Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Summary of The Archers Tale Essay - 1145 Words

The Archer’s Tale Alvin E. Nix III The novel begins in the English village of Hookton, where a boy named Thomas is growing up under the parenthood of his father, who is also the village priest. Thomas has great skill with a bow, but he trains secretly because his father does not allow him to use it. On the morning of Easter in 1342, a French party of raiders arrive under the command of Sir Guillaume dEvecque, a French Knight. In his party of raiders is a warrior dressed all in black, known simply as the Harlequin, who has hired Sir Guillaume to carry out the raid to steal Hooktons treasure, the Lance of St. George. During the raid The Harlequin kills Thomas father, and the lance is stolen from the village. With his bow†¦show more content†¦As the days go by, the men conduct a many raids on nearby French villages. A small French force from Lannion who are commanded by Sir Geoffrey de Pont Blanc, attempts to stop the onslaught of Skeats army, but Skeat refuses to engage him in battle. Jekyll, however, is eager for a fight, so he and his men battle Sir Geoffreys soldiers. Jekyll loses the battle despite his soldier’s powerful defense, and Geoffrey attempts to charge Skeats archers. His troops are shot down by the English longbows, and he is captured by Thomas. But to Jekylls fury, Thomas lets him go free. That night, Thomas is ambushed by Jekylls men and is severly beaten. He is saved by Father Hobbe, a friend who constantly reminds him of his vow of revenge. Thomas then becomes friends with Jeanette and the two plot to take revenge on Jekyll. Skeat and his men then move to attack Lannion, that has been weakened by the loss of Geoffreys force. During the attack on Lannion, Geoffrey is killed by Thomas. A French relief force attempts to destroy the English, but they are destroyed by Skeats archers. \ Thomas and Jeanette can no longer stay at La Roche-Derrien, because Jekyll wishes to kill them both, so they decide to take refuge with the Duke of Brittany. He takes them in because he is related to Jeanettes husband. The Duke, however, is not very hospitable. He rapes Jeanette and kidnaps her son, but Jeanette escapes with Thomas. She is traumatized by the event, but ThomasShow MoreRelatedS by Doug Dorst844 Words   |  3 Pagesare filled with scribbles, writings, notes, clues, musings and revelations from two readers, Jen and Eric. Jen, a college senior, and Eric, a former grad student and Straka researcher. Because of the nature of the presentation of this book, the summary will need to be separated into two distinct sections: The first section will cover the plot and events of the book Ship of Theseus, while the second section will cover the plot and events of the real life story taking place in the margins. In Ship

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